What's New in Version 9.2

Schematic Editor Features

Netlist to Schematic Converter

This tool converts a plain text netlist to a schematic by placing each component on a grid and interconnecting using terminal symbols. This can operate on an existing model in a schematic by converting it to a hierarchy. It can also convert a top level netlist which can help import schematics from other schematic editors

New Features for the SIMetrix Simulator

Multi-level Multi-step Analysis

Multi step analysis supports multiple parameters and methods. Any combination of parameter, Monte Carlo, temperature, frequency, device or model parameter may be defined to any depth and in any order. Further, with Pro or Elite licenses, full multi-core support is provided working across multiple levels.

Device Support

New devices, parameters and features

  • Current controlled switch used by some device models
  • delay() function for arbitrary sources. Supports fixed or variable delay
  • 'K' inductor coupling device supports more than two inductors with single specification. Compatible with PSpice®

Fast Iteration Mode for Large Passive Interconnect Systems

A new faster iteration mode has been introduced which is effective for speeding up the simulation of large passive interconnect systems. These are typically used to simulate power networks and high-frequency interconnects

Design Verification Module Features

Python® Integration

DVM Pre- and Post- process scripts can be written in either SIMetrix scripting or in Python. Depending on customer response, we hope to further integrate Python into the ecosystem. The DVM Pre- and Post- process scripting integration will allow users to take advantage of the large Python module ecosystem to facilitate new data processing, mathematical and plotting options to further enrich the output test reports.
This feature is experimental. More information

New Features for the SIMPLIS Simulator

Reverse Recovery Diode

The built-in SIMPLIS diode currently uses the Standard Model to model reverse recovery behavior. This new device, which is separate from the SIMPLIS Extracted Diode, uses a model that more closely resembles a diode's true reverse recovery behavior.

Analysis Type Voltage Source Indicators

The new voltage sources confirming the type of currently running analysis show whether a selected type of analysis is currently running or not. This can be beneficial for advanced users developing complex controller models for power management ICs. For instance, during the POP and AC analyses, hiccup-mode over current protection and dithering of switching frequency or reference voltage should be disabled for the simulation model. Otherwise, the POP analysis would most likely fail to converge. Having these new voltage sources available enables simulation models to reliably to detect the type of currently running analysis and consequently enable/disable functionalities accordingly.

Dynamic Start and Stop of Transient Simulation

The built-in SIMPLIS diode currently uses the Standard Model to model reverse recovery behavior. This new device, which is separate from the SIMPLIS Extracted Diode, uses a model that more closely resembles a diode's true reverse recovery behavior.

SIMPLIS Nested Multi-Step

Nested Multi-Step simulation is now supported in SIMPLIS without the need for the Design Verification Module. Further, with Pro or Elite licenses, full multi-core support is provided working across multiple parameters.

See Also

Release Notes for version 9.20

Other Versions

9.10Release Notes, What's New
9.00Release Notes, What's New
8.50Release Notes, What's New
8.40Release Notes, What's New
8.30Release Notes, What's New
8.20Release Notes, What's New
8.10Release Notes, What's New
8.00Release Notes, What's New
7.20Release Notes
7.10Release Notes
7.00Release Notes